Inspection Report

What did Ofsted say about us?

OFSTED found Garden Cottage Nursery
a very impressive GOOD!

The Children are very happy and engaged. They excitedly enter the nursery for their day ahead. Children are safe and secure. They have the freedom to explore and investigate in their play with many experiences and opportunities to build on their impressive physical skills. For instance, older children develop a keen sense of taking and managing risks as they balance along wooden planks outdoors. Younger children enthusiastically collect blackberries on their walks to eat at snack time.

Babies are encouraged to move around to build on their coordination and first steps. Children help to plant and harvest a wide range of vegetables, showing their understanding and empathy of protecting nature in the world around them. For example, they understand the job of a bee is to collect nectar for honey and so the children move carefully around to not disturb them.

Children are kind and behave very well. They show a growing awareness of sharing and playing with others. Children learn about boundaries and expectations through the good role modelling of the staff team. They are supported to help them gain the skills they require for the next stages in their learning and their move on to school. Babies and young children display good bonds with staff to help them to quickly settle into the nursery setting.

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